PostgreSQL Database Storage
Learn how PostgreSQL database storage works and the reasons you need this feature inside of your hosting account.
In case you use a database-driven script application for your website, all of the content that you or the site users add, will be kept in cells and tables in a database, not as plain text in the application files. In comparison, HTML sites are static and all the content on such a website is part of the actual HTML files. A web-based store app, for instance, pulls all of the items, prices, user reviews, and many others, from its database and this is valid for any kind of script which allows you to create a dynamic website. The more the data you include, the larger the database gets, so in case you use a script-driven site, you need to make sure that your hosting plan includes sufficient database storage space. The aforementioned applies no matter what kind of databases you employ - for instance MySQL or PostgreSQL.
PostgreSQL Database Storage in Cloud Web Hosting
All of our Linux cloud web hosting were designed with the notion to provide you with the opportunity to choose the ideal attributes based on what websites you'd like to host. If you don't need PostgreSQL databases, for example, you can choose a package that doesn't include this system as standard. Should you change your opinion later or if you need PostgreSQL from the start, you can always choose one of the packages that come with PostgreSQL support. All of the plans come with a considerable amount of storage dedicated to your databases, so that even if your websites grow, you will not experience any problems, as some packages come even with unlimited space. For the lower-end packages, the PostgreSQL storage can be upgraded with a few clicks in the Hepsia website hosting Control Panel.